When church works

N.T. Wright: I use the word “church” here with a somewhat heavy heart. I know that for many of my readers that very word will carry the overtones of large, dark buildings, pompous religious pronouncements, false solemnity, and rank hypocrisy. … But there is another side to it, a side which shows all the signs …

Perhaps the church ought to be more concerned …

Reinhold Niebuhr: Perhaps the church ought to be more concerned to bring the goodness of Christ as a judgment upon every fragmentary form of human goodness than to find the particular cause which might be identified with Christ. There are many good causes and just claims which turn to into evil at the precise point …

Practicum with Oasis; first thoughts

In case you didn’t know (or didn’t read previous blog entries), I’m interning with Oasis USA this summer, primarily in the area of human trafficking. This week, the rubber hit the road, and we really got rolling. Along with the two other Fuller interns (Brianna and Kelly), I’m working on Oasis’ “Active Communities against Trafficking …