My Valentine’s Day History, a.k.a. A Few Thoughts on Love

For some, Valentine’s Day is a day to treasure, a day to celebrate, a day to spend time and money on a loved one. For others, Valentine’s Day is a day to forget, a day to despise, “Singles Awareness Day.” For me, how I reacted to Valentine’s Day used to depend on my relationship status: …

Too much in love?

Original post: February 11, 2008; repost: March 7, 2010. Have you ever been so caught up, so affected, so (dare I say) in love with someone that it was hard to think about anything or anyone else? So much so that the first thing you think about in the morning is her and the last …

July 17

Years ago, when times were more simple … A boy. A girl. Butterflies. Hearts skipping beats. Knees weak. Breaths catching. A kiss.