Where is God in suffering, anxiety, and depression?

My good friend and brother-in-ministry Aaron Cho is one of the pastors at Quest Church in Seattle. He preached this weekend from the book of Job on suffering and delivered such a powerful word that I’m leaving it here for you. Meanwhile, at The District Church this last Sunday, Aaron Graham (our lead pastor) preached …

Dealing with death

A friend’s sister was killed in a motorcycle accident on Friday. She was 29. It’s been tough on my friend, obviously; and on other friends of ours who were also close with her sister. It’s been tough in ways that can’t be remedied by a simple word or even a prayer. I mean, it’s not …


I read these books a few years ago, but they still speak truth–perhaps even more so in light of the earthquake in Haiti and our current economic climate. … it’s only when you hit bottom and are desperate enough that things start to get better. (Rob Bell, Velvet Elvis, 105) … we are learning how …

The scars we bear

Original post: August 8, 2007. Update: January 17, 2010. “Scar tissue that I wish you saw …” (Red Hot Chili Peppers, ‘Scar Tissue’) Just below my left knee is a scar from slicing my leg open roller-skating when I was about 12. When I was 14, I managed to explode a small (fortunately almost-empty) canister …