Barack Obama

Original post: January 21, 2008. I thought I’d repost this as an interesting insight into some of my thoughts when I was introducing then-Senator Obama to (and trying to win over) friends and family who had never heard of him. When I arrived in the US in the summer of 2006, I had never even …

From the pen of a loved one …

Busy lives. People rushing. Cars honking, bicycles, rickshaws, taxis. Self-involved. See the world through your own eyes, not understanding perspectives or preferences of others. Focused on here and now not there or then. ‘Each day has enough trouble of its own.’ I don’t want to live with my eyes on trouble every single day. To …

Happy birthday, Aims!

Yesterday was my niece’s 11th birthday—happy birthday, Aims! (For those of you who think I’m a bad uncle for sending belated greetings, I already sent her a card in the post.) It’s a little bit frightening to think that Aimee is almost as old as I was when Clem and Justine got married. When they …