God’s will for your life

Today’s commentary from slacktivist on the Left Behind series features a great section on God’s will–especially in its critique of the perspective which is prevalent in the American evangelicalism that subscribes to the theology found in the books. (Wow, that was a convoluted sentence!) Many of you, I think, will know the kinds of things we’re …

Why women withdraw

Original post: August 1, 2008; update: January 30, 2010. Still holds true. 🙂 A while ago, Yeti posted a blog on “Why Men Withdraw.” Apparently, it’s one of the most-read entries on her site. Apparently, women would like to know why men withdraw or become distant or whatever. Well … I’m almost certain that it …

Your silken skin

Original post: June 20, 2008; update: January 29, 2010. A work of fiction. Coldplay are singing in the background: It’s such a perfect day. Warm sunlight caresses my face. I close my eyes, and the sounds, the smells, the sensations of today transport me back to yesterday. I turned my head and there you were; …

Now I just need to find someone who'll settle for me …

A study was conducted on the role physical attractiveness has on marriage: Physical appearance plays a crucial role in shaping new relationships, but does it continue to affect established relationships, such as marriage? In the current study, the authors examined how observer ratings of each spouse’s facial attractiveness and the difference between those ratings were …

Good hygiene gets girls

From the brilliant minds at Wong Fu Productions, a hilarious video providing some “advice” for guys looking to meet girls. So that explains the — just kidding. 😉