An old way to read the Bible

I shared yesterday about my friend Chris’s new app Parallel Bible–“the world’s first social, visual Bible”–and I’d encourage you to check it out; it’s pretty cool. This week I’ve also been diving into an ancient practice of reading the Bible called lectio divina–or “divine reading” in Latin. It’s one way that Christians over the centuries have used …

A new way to read and share the Bible

Excited to share this with you all: my friend Chris and his brother Andrew and their team have been working on a new app called Parallel Bible–“the world’s first social, visual Bible”–and it just came out today for the iPhone. Watch the video below, check out their website at, and check out the app …

Fasting for Lent

Lent begins tomorrow (Ash Wednesday), a season for focusing on Jesus as we prepare to celebrate the climax of his life and his mission—his death and resurrection—and also for remembering Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness before he began his public ministry. It lasts for 40 days (excluding Sundays), and ends on Easter Sunday (April 5 this …