Oasis: Weeks 7 and 8

Week Seven One of the things I’ve begun to do through this internship is to make connections with like-minded people, not only through events—such as the anti-trafficking training or a charity fundraiser for a social justice non-profit—but through the phenomenon of social media, something which even ten years ago would not have been possible. Finding …

Oasis: Week 6

Week Six Read A Crime So Monstrous by Ben Skinner, as an exercise in information gathering. It’s one of the best books I’ve read on human trafficking, as he documents his journey to learn more about the new slave trade. It began as a journalistic endeavor: “Before I met those slaves and those traffickers, I …

Oasis 3-week update

Week Three One of the highlights this week was the trafficking training session put on by the Coalition Against Slavery & Trafficking (CAST) LA, which took place on Wednesday. The focus of the training was ministering to survivors of human trafficking, particularly sex trafficking. As a result, many of the other attendees were workers at …