Exciting News, #3: New Campus, New Pastor

The news keeps coming. And today you get not one, not two, but THREE exciting announcements!

As I shared a few months ago, we’ve been praying since the beginning of this year about where God might be leading us to plant a new church–in continuing fulfillment of our vision to be a network of neighborhood churches. And as God led, we sensed that this would be in the H St/East Side of DC, about four miles southeast of our current location.

Well, in the three months since that email, momentum has continued to grow and energy within the community of folks living in that area has continued to build; and after much prayer and seeking, we’ve decided to start preliminary launch meetings at the end of January (yep, in two weeks!), with this campus beginning more like a third service (in a different location). (Listen to Aaron share about it at the beginning of yesterday’s message.)

You know the old adage about how God sometimes uses us to be the answer to our own prayers? Well, in response to that prayer request for a leader for the new location that I shared in October, it appears that … it’s going to be me! The leadership of the church, the leaders living in the H St area, and myself, all came to a place where we realized that this was the route that made the most sense and generated the most  enthusiasm–and peace, too.

So I’d ask for your prayers as I continue my steep learning curve in pastoral ministry–I’m excited to be taking on more responsibility, to continue growing in what God is calling me to, and to face the challenges ahead in and together with the community that God is entrusting to me and the other leaders there. I’m also fully aware of my own inadequacies–God’s going to have to really step up (again)!

Two weeks ago, I asked for your support and your prayers to raise the remainder of the money I needed for 2013, which at the time amounted to about $7,000. Well … as usual, God answered and you stepped up, and gave generously to the tune of $6,000!! Which means that, with two weeks before the end of January (my deadline), I have less than $1,000 left to raise. So …

Will you partner with me to raise the $1,000 I need for 2013?

If you’d like to help support me financially, you’re welcome to do so:

  • by check, payable to “The District Church” with “For the Ministry of Justin Fung” in the memo, and mailed to The District Church, PO Box 3116, Washington, DC 20010;
  • online here, selecting “Ministry of JF” from the dropdown menu.

[All gifts are fully tax-deductible.]

As ever, grateful for your friendship in this adventure called life,


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