A First Step for a New Community

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

— Chinese philosopher Lǎo Zǐ

We had our first TDC East Side launch team meeting this last Sunday, and had over 30 people show up! We worshiped together, we sang together, and we prayed together (see below for one of my favorite pictures of 2013 so far), and so the exciting journey to launch a new District Church community and, more importantly, to impact another neighborhood for Christ, begins!

Please continue to pray for us as we come together as an East Side community, that:

  • leaders would step up and folks would get involved;
  • we would have wisdom and discernment to know how to be who God has called us to be in the places to which we’ve been called;
  • we would be able to find a location to begin meeting in (as you can see, we’re already pretty tight in the Shultzes’ living room!);
  • I would know the presence, peace and purpose of God as I step into leadership in a new way in this exciting, daunting, amazing adventure.

TDC East Side prayer

In other news, I said I was hoping to raise the remainder of the support I needed for 2013 by the end of this month. Well … not only did we meet the target, but we blew through it with a week to spare! So thank you, thank you, and thank you again, for your tremendous generosity and for backing up your words and prayers of support with your resources. I’m truly humbled.

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