A few things to start 2014

A week and a half into the new year, and I have a feeling it’ll be no surprise to you that life is busy! God is doing a lot, including much that I’ve yet to fully process; but I’m so excited for what this year will bring (not just for the wedding!). A few things:

1. The District Church continues to grow.
In the absence of a larger space (which we’re still looking for), we’re going to start having THREE services in Columbia Heights, in addition to our East Side campus. Which means that tomorrow I get to preach FOUR times. Pray for me!


2. God continues to use us.
After TIME covered DC127 in the fall, our local paper (well, The Washington Post) wrote this story in late December — “DC127 aims to connect city’s foster children with families.” I’m so grateful to be part of a community that positions itself in such a way that God can use us and be glorified.

3. Catherine continues to heal.
My dear friend Catherine, who was hit by a car last fall, continues her recovery by the grace of God. She shares some of her thoughts on how trauma has impacted her here — “A New Normal” — and I’m so proud of her for putting this out there. I know, from talking to her, that it was difficult, even to post it. As she writes:

“Trauma upends everything we took for granted, including things we didn’t know we took for granted. And many of these realities I wish I’d known when I first encountered them. So, while the work of life and healing continues, here are ten things I’ve learned about trauma along the way.”

4. Wedding planning is full steam ahead.
We’re getting married in July, so it’s all systems go. A number of things have come together already, but there remains much to do. Prayers would always be appreciated. (You can check out some of our engagement pics on Facebook.)


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