The definition of manhood
Swiped from Eugene Cho.
Swiped from Eugene Cho.
Yesterday’s Super Bowl was pretty entertaining for a neutral observer–more points would have been nice, but the down-to-the-wire excitement made for a great game. Congratulations to the Giants for overcoming the Patriots again! (Now if only my Seahawks could get back …) Super Bowl ads get a lot of hype–and understandably so. It’s estimated that …
A little gem on PostSecret the other day made me laugh: Thanks to Angry Asian Man for the link. As AAM says, “Never underestimate the hotness of an Asian man.”
Thanks to Big Phony for a beautiful and poignant song.
A little tongue-in-cheek humor from the late, great David Scholer. (Inspired by a recent FB repost from Ben C.) Ten reasons why men should not be ordained: 10. A man’s place is in the army. 9. For men who have children, their duties might distract them from the responsibility of being a parent. 8. Their …