In August, I shared about beginning the ordination process (“Adventures in Becoming a Pastor”). Well, in the six weeks since then, we’ve had an ordination council meeting, at which I was unanimously approved; and the church’s leadership also came out in strong support of my ordination. So with that:

I’m so pleased to be able to invite you to my installation service as Associate Pastor at The District Church at 2pm on Saturday, November 5, 2011.
The service itself will take place at National Baptist Memorial Church in Columbia Heights, just a block away from where our church meets, and it’ll be immediately followed by a brief reception/celebration time. I know most of you won’t be able to make it to DC for that weekend, but if you are, I’d love to have you here to see, hear and experience life in DC and at The District Church.
Let me know if you think you can come; if you’re coming from out of town, I’ll help to try and find housing for you!
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