Jon Stewart and Bill O’Reilly (UNCUT)

Earlier this week, Jon Stewart entered Bill O’Reilly’s “No Spin Zone” for a conversation … or, as Fox News described it, a “faceoff.” Interestingly though, a lot of Jon’s most incisive and effective arguments were left on the cutting room floor. Fortunately, Fox News generously put the full, unedited conversation online, where it was picked …

Demon sheep? Oh politics …

This fascinating image is an ad from the campaign of Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett-Packard. She’s running for Governor of California, and in a crowded GOP primary, she’s clearly bringing out the crazy guns to try and tar Republican rival Tom Campbell with the wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing brush. (D’you like my barrage of metaphors there?) It …

I am an Asian American; these are my politics

Okay, not me personally–if you’ve read my blog enough, you can probably figure out almost all of my political principles. Instead, an interesting–certainly interesting to me as an Asian American–new poll is out from Gallup on the political leanings of Asian Americans. Overall, 41% of Asians identify politically as Democrats, 41% as independents, and 16% …

The Obama Budget 2011

Jim Wallis says that budgets are moral documents, and that how we spend our money shows what our values are. Introduced today, President Obama’s $3.83 trillion budget treads a delicate balance between trying to get the economy going again and trying to bring down the massive inherited budget deficit.* Anyway, the budget for FY 2011 …