Rounding up the last week of the best month of the year (so far) …
November 24: Coldplay
My three favorite bands are U2, Coldplay and Lifehouse. I saw U2 in June 2005 at Wembley Stadium. I’ve seen Lifehouse a few times, a couple times in London and once in San Diego. And a couple weeks ago, I finally got to see Coldplay at the Honda Center in Anaheim.
November 25-29: Thanksgiving in Fresno
Matt and Sara (with whom I also saw Wicked) invited me up to spend Thanksgiving with them (and their families) in Fresno. Good friends, good food, good times.
I had my last class of the quarter yesterday, and I have just a 1,000 word reflection and a 12-15 page paper to write, so … Christmas break is almost here! I’m looking forward to whatever time I have off (which actually usually ends up less than I thought or would like; oh well …).
I’ll leave you with a couple of things:
- As a Third Culture Kid myself, I’m pretty stoked to read this article on Barack’s cabinet.
- And welcome to the season of Advent.
Worship Fully. Spend Less. Give More. Love All.