- We’re still losing jobs, but we’re no longer hemorrhaging. Let’s hope the trajectory holds firm.
- Portugal’s parliament backs same sex marriage.
- Some might blame the TSA officer for deserting his post at Newark airport. I blame the Asian guy who breached security. As Angry Asian Man puts it so succinctly, "you’re an idiot."
- Former Arsenal skipper Patrick Vieira returns to the Premiership, joining Man City.
- Wanna see cute Asian kids do amazing things? You got it. And I echo Justin’s sentiments.
- And here’s Kylie from the PC commercials on Ellen. So freaking precious.
- Whoa: "Professor Hyeouk Chris Hahm at Boston University on Asian American women and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Hahm was alarmed to find how high the rates of STDs were among Asian American women." Here’s some commentary from MaSir Jones and YOMYOMF.